Friday, November 2, 2007

Oil Painting Crepe Myrtles in Happiness

The most beautiful blooms where on the Crepe Myrtles to finish out the summer.  It seemed only natural that I should put on my To Do List to paint the last of the summer blooms before they go.  This painting will help remind me all winter of the beauty of those trees when they bloom and will spread their happiness all winter.  This is a happy painting that you should look at especially in January when you are longing for warm weather and spring flowers.  Don't forget to  put on your To Do List today to think of something that makes you happy.  Hope your easel is friendly to you today.  Pat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pat, you have captured the true essence & beauty of the flowers! I have both a white & a red Crepe Myrtle in my back yard. Excellent work!
